. Every pupil must have a copy of this handbook and should be brought to the school daily. If this book is lost buy a new one paying Rs. 100/-
. Students are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings.
. Any damage done to school property or to that of other students will have to be made good by the erring student.
. Gold or costly ornaments should not be worn in the school.
. Pupils who come late will be admitted to the class only with the permission of the Principal.
. Pupils are strictly forbidden from scribbling on the walls, furniture or any part of the school premises.
. Pupils at all times should show respect and reverence to the members of the staff. They should be gentle and polite to their companions.
. Changing of class between periods should be done in silence and in order. No shouting or whistling is allowed in the school premises. It is strictly forbidden to throw any thing at others.
. Exchange of articles and money transaction between students are not allowed.
. Students are not allowed to interact with parents or visitors or to leave the school premises during the school hours without the permission of the principal.
. No books other than those used in class or taken from the school library may be brought to the school.
. Students should themselves be responsible for their own books, pens, tiffin carriers and other articles they bring to school.
. Parents who bring lunch are not allowed near the classroom or verandahs. Labelled lunch box must be left with the security. The students should fetch their lunch from the gate themselves.
. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, neglect of home work, disobedience and disrespect towards teachers and members of the staff and other reprehensible behaviour may entail dismissal from the school.
. Every student must take part in school games and other activities unless declared physically unfit, or is exempted by the principal.
. A medical certificate will have to be produced for the absence of more than three consecutive days. Where long leave becomes necessary, due to unavoidable reasons, permission from the principal has to be obtained in advance.
. Children suffering from infectious diseases will not be allowed to attend the school. They will be allowed to attend the classes only on producing a fitness certificate from a medical officer.
. A student who does not secure 85% attendance will not be allowed to attend the final examinations.
. Class leaders can enter staff rooms, only after getting permission from their teacher.
. Pupils of one class should not enter other classes even during intervals.
. Not attending the morning assembly without prior permission will be viewed as an act of indiscipline.
. Electronic gadgets likeMobile phones, cameras, ipods etc are banned in the school premises. If at any circumstances it is found, it will be confiscated.
. Problems should be communicated only to the Principal or to the Vice - Principal personally.
. Discourage private tuition. Let us help your child to develop independent thinking and self-confidence by scientific method of coaching provided by the school.
. Perfect school uniform is compulsory for all students.
. The Principal reserves the right to request parents to withdraw their wards from the school, if the behaviour and conduct of the parent or ward goes against the discipline and ethos of the School.
. Students should always keep themselves clean.
. While attending school, they should wear clean and well pressed school uniforms. Girls should plait and tie their hair with white ribbons on both sides.
. Pupils are not allowed to cut classess. If a parent/guardian however, desires to take his child home during class hours, he might do so only if permitted by the Principal/ Vice Principal.
. Parents can be helpful to the staff by paying attention to the regularity, punctuality and discipline of their wards.
. Parents are not permitted to go or wait near the class room.
. Parents may meet the principal to discuss with the matters concerning the progress of their children between 2 pm and 3 pm. on every working days.
. Parents are requested to co-operate with the staff and ensure the progress of their children, by paying attention to their regularity, punctuality and discipline and by taking on interest in their children’s work. They should check the Diary and the daily work done.
The ultimate aim of the institution and the supreme motive behind it is to provide quality education and standards so as to promote educational interest in our children and help them grow as useful citizens of the society. Our goal can be achieved only with the whole hearted co-operation and moral support of the parents and our well wishers.
In order to develop a healthy, competitive spirit and a sense of social attitude among the pupils, the pupils are divided into four houses namely Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gama
A school council comprising of the following is formed for the smooth running of the institution.
a) Principal
b) Head Boy, Head Girl
c) House Leaders
d) Five members of the teaching staff.
The Head Boy & Head Girl are selected from among the pupils of the senior most class. They are elected by the students through ballot.
The house leaders are selected from among the pupils belonging to the respective houses. They should be model pupils who will be respected and will inspire the members of their respective houses.
1. Be decent in behaviour to all.
2. Be neatly dressed in uniform while attending School.
3. Be punctual.
4. Carry out the instructions of the Teachers, Head Boy & Head Girl
5. When chosen to take part in any competition, make a whole hearted effort to accept the result with dignity,
whether victorious or not, without neglecting studies.
6. Be a role model to all students.